My Offerings



Conscious asana practice has the power of affecting all layers and systems of the body. Yoga benefits your mental, physical and spiritual health.  And no, you don’t need to be flexible in order to do or start Yoga! My teaching is centred around therapeutic alignment principles through Hatha Yoga, mixed with other Yoga styles and intuitive movement.
You can expect to boost your energy, increase strength and flexibility. Above all, my classes are a space where you can come home to yourself and recharge. 

You can join one of my regular group classes or book a private class.

Or practise anytime anywhere with one of my videos in the video library. 


Group classes 

1:1 private class   

Video Library   

1:1 Yoga Private Class

Choose between single sessions or a bundle as part of a training plan. 

A Yoga Private is for you if:

◆ You are a beginner and would like to know exactly how to do the poses in a healthy way tailored to your body's specific needs in order to reap the maximum benefits.

◆ Want motivation to  build a more regular Yoga practice for yourself

◆ You are already familiar with practising Yoga and wish to dive deeper into more advanced poses


Length of a class: 60 or 90 min

You can expect:


◆ Zero judgement and 100% support


◆ Improved posture, flexibility, strength, balance and focus

◆ I provide you with specific cues and "body maps" which you can integrate in your daily life and at work.


◆ Sharing of breathing exercises, Mantras and Mudras



Energy Work


I work with universal life force energy which is the essence of everything. We all have access to it, yet due to certain conditions or patterns we weaken our life force energy.  I share with you practices on inner alchemy in order for you to reconnect with your own healing capacity. The In a 1:1 session we activate the energy flow and bring the body and nervous system back into homeostasis.

Some of the benefits:

◆ Relaxation and stress relieve

◆ Enhances the energy flow 

◆ Enhance Mind - Body - Spirit connection



Blueprint Reading


Astrology, Human Design and Gene Keys


A Reading is for you if:

◆ You would like to gain a deeper understanding about your innate gifts and patterns

◆ You feel called to explore the shadow aspects and alchemise them into gifts


◆ You feel it's time to change direction or seek clarity about the cycle you are in

You will feel a resonance with the reading because deep down you already know. Sometimes we just need to be reminded or guided to see things from a different or higher perspective.

Allow yourself to receive the codes. When we change the internal script, the move changes.


A reading includes:


◆ Free introduction call


◆ One hour session online or in person


◆ A recorded voice message you can keep for yourself with key messages




"What I like about Nathalie’s Yoga classes is that she puts a lot of emphasis on the correct and healthy alignment of the poses. I’ve been practising Yoga for 15 years, I attended classes in Bolivia, Capetown and Buenos Aires, and Nathalie is one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. Her classes are suitable for people who would like to strengthen their posture. She teaches with lots of expertise and commitment. For years I’ve been feeling tension and was having trouble with my intervertebral disks. Therefore, I practice Yoga very gently. Since Nathalie focuses on bringing the body in optimal alignment I can participate in her classes which is special. I also like Nathalie's joyful spirit and spontaneity. She always spreads a good mood during the class and her music choice is great."

Lea, Switzerland

"Das Yoga mit Nathalie ist sehr abwechslungsreich und tut dem ganzen Körper gut. Sie erklärt die Asanas sehr gut, geht auf die Teilnehmer ein und gibt wertvolle Hilfestellungen. So kann ich, auch während dem Lockdown, meine Yoga Praxis vertiefen und Fortschritte erkennen. Mit ihrer Sympathie und positiven Energie bringt sie, auch online, Sonnenschein in die Herzen."

Karin, Switzerland

“In den Stunden von Nathalie lernte ich, wie ich die Übungen in meine tägliche Routine einbauen kann, wie ich besser auf mich und meinen Körper höre und dass loslassen manchmal schwerer ist, als krampfhaft an etwas festzuhalten. Ihre Stunden sind immer abwechslungsreich, Input ist gern gesehen und auf Schmerzen und Schwächen geht sie sehr gerne ein. Falls ihr eine flexible und motivierte Yogi sucht, seid ihr bei Nathalie an der richtigen Adresse und ihre Übungen werden euch Energie für den Rest der Woche geben."

Laura, Switzerland

"I had the opportunity to have an Astrology reading done by the lovely Nathalie. I had some information about my birth chart prior to the reading, but lots of things where still unclear. The reading with Nathalie was really interesting and very accurate. For me it also meant a lot to understand what my purpose is in this life. I absolutely recommend this to anyone that wants to understand themselves more deeply."

Mishka, Switzerland

"Nathalie was able to pay attention to each participant individually and make sure that we learn the moves correctly (from head to toes). Also, it is practical to be able to follow the course from anywhere. I totally recommend taking part in her classes, I did 2 of her bootcamps and can’t wait to do more!"

Emma, Switzerland

“Nathalie is a joyful and inspiring spirit. Her explanations were transmitted very clearly and at a comfortable speed. At the same time she managed to give very detailed instructions. She created a great group dynamic and gave helpful individual adjustments. After the course, I felt more aligned, confident, guided, playful and worry-free.”

Nastassia, Switzerland


To book a Yoga Private, reading or Reiki session write a message below and we'll schedule a free introduction call.